National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan

The National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan (NIIMP) provides the roadmap for building a world class infrastructure that will guarantee sustainable economic growth and development. It would enable the nation take advantage of the vast opportunities in the domestic and global economies to enhance the nation’s competitiveness and improve the quality of life of the citizenry. It provides an integrated view of infrastructure development in Nigeria, with clear linkages across the key sectors.


Close to 50% of investments would be directed at the Roads sub-sector, in order to refurbish cross-national highways and expand the regional road network and linkages to other modes of transportation.


Priority would be given to generation capacity and expansion of transmission infrastructure, as well as construction of supporting gas infrastructure.


Expansion of mobile network capacity and the broadband fiber optic network would be the priority.


Priority would be given to increasing the number of housing units in order to close the current and projected housing deficit estimated at 17 million housing units.

Social Infrastructure

Priority investments would be in construction of facilities for education, hospitals, women and youth development, and sports.

Vital Registration &  Security

Priority would be accorded to investments in national vital registration system and construction and rehabilitation of facilities for all security institutions.